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"Prayer to the Healing Spirit" Bronze Sculpture by Buck McCain
Artwork > Sculpture

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
36774 $300.00 0 $0.00

Winning Bidder

Winning bidders will be contacted after the in-person auction closes

This large "Prayer to the Healing Spirit" bronze sculpture inspired by Buck McCain sits on a marble base. Dimensions are 20" wide x 12" deep x 34" high. 

Sculpture Buck McCain was commissioned to make the original for the Franklin Mint in 1988.  You can find  smaller (17" high) somewhat more detailed bronzes for sale online for from $300-$600.  This specific bronze and size sold for $400 on in July, 2014, for $500 on Dec. 4, 2014, then again for $600 on Dec. 9, 2014 at Pook & Pook, Inc. (

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